Sunday, February 15, 2015

What a Day!!!!'

Advice from Lindsay: 'One of the things was that the bridge.  If you cross it remember not to look down but make sure your foot doesnt get caught in one of the holes because it is terrifying.'

Yes, 11 of us crossed into DRC this morning. Before leaving Peace Guest House, though, we placed roses on and gathered at a special spot to commemorate Someone very special to us - Norm L.  We miss you Norm!  

At the DRC border we had to walk across the bridge leaving Rwanda and entering Congo since Lwabimba  was unable to cross over and pick us up.   After sorting through paperwork we were allowed to proceed to Lwabimba's car and we were off! 

I'll try to add more detail when I'm awake but here's the overview:
The day was incredible!!
We had a wonderful time at Miti: so much happened there its going to need its own blog!  A great, great day.
After Miti we went to visit the Pygmy village where we were graciously received. Torrential rain cut our visit short but we were able to visit their homes. The poverty and difficult living conditions were striking, even in a nation with a tremendous amount of poverty.  One small wood and stick home houses 8 people, for instance. And I do mean Small - my Honda Pilot is bigger, both in height and in length.
We visited a center where handicapped women sell crafts many of which which we, of course, purchased.  Besides their craft store the building also houses families. In fact, one small child was cooking small fish over an open fire on the concrete hallway floor.  Lindsay and I took a visit to the bathroom past the fish where a huge crack was in the wall from an earthquake several years ago. I wish I'd taken a photo because it's really amazing to me that the building hasn't collapsed!
Had a delicious lunch at LwBimba and mama Ombrni's house! 
Met the famous and truly heroic Dr. Mukwege!!!  This meeting and Dr Mukwege also need their own blog because he is truly a phenomenon man working under extremely difficult and dangerous conditions.time for some sleep but more details will follow!

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