Monday, February 2, 2015


January 31, 2014 was a day that changed my life.  Changed it for the better, because the tumor that was trying to paralyze me was removed.  (THANK YOU, Dr. JH Chi!)  Changed it for the better, because I gained a whole new sincere, heartfelt appreciation for the miracle called the Central Nervous System.  Changed it for the better, because I have a whole new empathy for those who deal with things that others can't see or understand.  Changed it for the better, because I care even less about the opinions of others and even more about the One opinion that really matters: God's. "There's only one judge I'm worried about, and that's God himself."

In the days leading up to January 31, though, my main focus was on my upcoming challenge. Naturally, when you're heading into a major surgery, there are concerns.  But one thing I never thought about at all was whether my surgeon would have an ample supply of sutures.  How fortunate we are here in the U.S. to be able to go into a hospital KNOWING that the necessary supplies will be there.  Need gauze? Got it.  Need syringes?  Easy.  How about super expensive equipment for things like MRIs, CT scans and X-rays?  Got those, too!   Of course, a physician here in the U.S. would have all the needed supplies and equipment.  So when Mark asked a surgeon in DRC for a wish-list, we were expecting a list of things that were high-tech or fancy, or mega-bucks expensive.  Not something as basic as sutures.

36 packs for $270?? CRAZY EXPENSIVE
36 lives for $270??  Not so bad after all...

So now I'm attempting to comply with that wish, but WOW are those babies expensive!!!  Cherish every stitch you've ever received!!  There is some serious money in there!  To help with this mission, I am tapping into the brain power of a local surgeon-friend (Thank you, John!) for ideas on what to buy now, and how to get sutures in the future.  (i.e. how to get them CHEAPER, or maybe even for free, if possible)   I'll update the blog as I gather more information, but next time you're at your doctor's office, you might want to ask your doctor what happens with any left-over sutures, and remind yourself how fortunate you are to have access to excellent healthcare!

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